Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is a key protein that helps diminish neural degradation. People with Alzheimer’s, however, are found to have significantly lower NGF levels causing them to be more […]
How yoga can benefit Alzheimer’s
Electrolytes: necessity or accessory?
Electrolytes are in the colorful, tasty sport drinks that help you through your workout. They also remind you of how athletes would treat themselves after crossing the finish line. But […]
8 common blunders made at the gym
If it isn’t the odd smell in the changing room or the utterly tantalizing proposition of happy hour, then it might be the thought of inevitable post-workout aches and pains […]
Build strong bones without dairy products
As more and more people decide to eliminate dairy from their diets, you may think that an osteoporosis epidemic may be on the horizon in the near future. Because really, […]
It’s Valentine’s Day, so keep your heart healthy
It’s that time of year when we start seeing storefronts packed with images of cupid, and restaurants increase their prices with “special menu sets” to take advantage of that international […]
When it’s wise to avoid exercise
When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, exercise is undoubtedly important. But is there ever a time when it’s best to skip a workout session or two? While it may […]
Be happy with a healthy body
The world is trending away from the ideal body being a skinny one or that a woman should starve herself in order to be beautiful. The fitness magazine ‘Women’s Health’ […]
How exercise benefits your whole body
You’ve heard it all before – exercise is good for your body and overall health. But just what exactly does that mean? When people think of exercise they’re trying to […]
Ditch the treadmill and do these activities
Cardio can be boring. We get it. There is nothing more uninteresting than running on a treadmill or completing 30 minutes on an elliptical machine five times a week. That’s […]
How to Step Up Your Abs Routine
When it comes to achieving flatter, firmer abdominal muscles – and therefore a more toned and shapely midriff – the first exercise that probably comes to mind is crunches. And […]