inBalance on SA Live: Try these workouts in 2020!
inBalance on SA Live: Try these workouts in 2020!
We’re so excited for this next series of classes! Meditation is a growing trend and it can be initiating or downright weird to some, or maybe even seems like a waste of time to others! We’re using the rest of 2019 to demystify the whole experience for you and keep you grounded as you get into the busy holiday season.
Our meditation series is created for those new to mediation as well as those who want to improve their practice with our guided themes throughout the rest of 2019!
Sign me up!
The holidays can hit us hard… we’re planning parties and dinners and family visits. We’re going to school concerts and shopping for at least 132 gifts, and then, oh, we have to wrap all of these and deliver them.
Nutrition experts around the world agree: a plant based diet is better for your health, your mind, AND the planet. “Plant based” can mean 100% animal product free, or it can mean a diet made up primarily of fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, beans, and legumes, with smaller amounts of meat and dairy still incorporated.
The approaching of Fall also means the approaching of something else: the busy holiday season. I don’t know about y’all, but while I LOVE the holidays, I don’t love the stress that they can bring. With everything vying for our time and attention– school plays, family gatherings, work parties, holiday vacations– it can be easy to forget about wellness.
Fall is upon us: the season of red and yellow leaves, cooler weather, and all things pumpkin spice! It’s also the season when people go mad for a food I like to incorporate into my diet year round: the sweet potato
Try It Tuesday: inBalance on SA Live!
Meatless Mondays are a thing of the past... it's time for a 7 Day Meatless Challenge! We're bringing you a week of whole-food-plant-based meals, complete with a grocery list, recipe guide and meal prep plan. This plan is a completely animal-free approach to healthy eating that maximizes whole grains, vegetables and legumes, while minimizing refined sugars and oils.
One of the biggest misconceptions in fitness is that you need to go all out in every workout in order to see results. Research has shown that the opposite is actually true: we don’t need to workout harder, to see real gains in fitness and weight loss we need to workout smarter.
You might’ve heard people talking about it at barre class, or at the water cooler at work, or even when you’re out with friends: are you counting your macros? Counting or tracking macronutrients is all the rage these days- but what is this trend, and is it helpful or just a fad?