7 Day Plant Based Challenge

7 Day Plant Based Challenge


Meatless Mondays are a thing of the past... it's time for a 7 Day Meatless Challenge! We're bringing you a week of whole-food-plant-based meals, complete with a grocery list, recipe guide and meal prep plan. This plan is a completely animal-free approach to healthy eating that maximizes whole grains, vegetables and legumes, while minimizing refined sugars and oils.

Plant based diets have been connected to lower risk of heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, diabetes… and it’s good for the planet!

Each day contains meals full of a healthy balance of fat, carbs, and protein, all from plant-based sources including grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, all while bringing you deliciously satisfying meals! A recently study showed that those who eat a mostly plant based diet are likely to live longer than their peers who consume fewer fruits and vegetables…. so even if you’re not ready to ditch the meat altogether, just eating LESS meat has health benefits!

Up for the challenge??? Click on the link below and you’re in!
