Keeping the holiday weight gain away!

The holidays are officially here! Whether or not you got through Thanksgiving without adding a few pounds, we’re all looking towards the next holiday and trying to figure out how to escape the weight gain… And yes it IS possible! Check out these tips.

3 things you should never eat

It’s always fun to splurge every now and then...just diving in to dessert or a juicy burger every now and then….And there’s nothing wrong with that! You should always take time to treat yourself on occasion, in fact it is a healthy habit (rather than depriving yourself 365...this leads to bad habits and poor decisions). But with these splurge days, there are some things that you should never splurge on.

How to get picky little eaters to eat veggies

Picky eaters can be a tough subject to talk about. People like to get all judgy here and talk as if they can do a better job at getting your kids to eat right than you can. While this may or may not be true, there are some tried and true ways that you can turn your kiddos (or husbands who think they can still eat like kiddos) on the starch-and-carb-only-diet into balanced eaters who value all food groups.

What you should be eating for breakfast

Breakfast. Most of us either love it or hate it. Some of us just eat it out of obligation. But it is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, right? Done the right way, yes it should be! Breakfast is meant to be just as it sounds; breaking from the overnight fast (AKA sleep), and it should be something that recharges and refreshes you, energizing you for the day. My advice with breakfast is to always include each of the 3 macronutrients: carbs, proteins and fats.

Best Cross-Training moves for trail runners

It’s fall in south Texas!!!

One thing this means for those who love the outdoors is more trail running. The weather is perfect! Running off-road provides a whole new set of challenges and things to think about. Trail running is much more challenging than road running because of the uneven surfaces you are running on.

When You Have a Foodie for a Toddler…

Author: Rachel Enochs

My three-year old has not always been a great eater. Like many other kids, he goes through phases. He definitely had a phase where he pretty much ate bananas and yogurt for what seemed like forever. And then, one day his taste buds just changed (or “matured” as they say) and he began branching out and really enjoying a lot of other foods not “typical” for toddlers.

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