Keeping the holiday weight gain away!

Keeping the holiday weight gain away!


The holidays are officially here! Whether or not you got through Thanksgiving without adding a few pounds, we’re all looking towards the next holiday and trying to figure out how to escape the weight gain… And yes it IS possible! Check out these tips...

The best advice to get through holidays muffin-top free is to find time to MOVE. Even if you’re spending the week at Grandma’s house and have no access to a gym, go for a jog around the neighborhood, walk in the park or do a HIIT workout in the yard. The more you move the better you feel, and it can help you make better decisions when eating (we tend to make better decisions about food when we exercise regularly!).

To get through all the holiday parties, make sure you party PREPARED. Here’s what I mean; many times when we know we are going to eat and drink and be merry, we go all day long without eating so that we “save” our calories for our party or gathering. Not only is this bad for your metabolism, but it leaves you famished and hangry when you arrive at your party, which means you will eat anything and everything in site. Instead, eat regularly throughout the day, focusing on getting adequate protein and water to keep you satiated and hydrated. Then when it comes time to party, you can freely eat the holiday carbs without worrying about overeating because you’ve been properly nourished throughout the day!

Post holidays, we can feel a little sluggish and “fluffy” from all the drinks and sugary treats. Skip the juice fast and detox and instead just focus on doing a “whole food cleanse”. I hesitate to use the word “cleanse” with my nutrition clients because it can seem scary, but a whole food cleanse means you are still eating real food, just cleaner. Cut out sugar, alcohol, dairy, and processed food and stick with tons of veggies, whole grains, clean protein sources (wild fish, grass fed beef, farm raised chicken, and clean plant based sources) and some fruit (some, not a lot!). I encourage my clients to eat most of their carbs early in the day for energy, and eat a big green salad full of colorful veggies, clean protein, nuts and seeds. Do this for a few weeks, to rest your metabolism and clean out the gunk and you will feel good as new!

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