Got back pain?

Got back pain?

Pilates is a totally perfect exercise to cure chronic back pain... I almost hesitate using the word "cure", but it's the truth, it can cure it! I work with clients on regular basis that struggle with back pain from a variety of sources. I tell them that you can't have a strong front without a strong back and they both work together to keep your trunk strong and pain free. Many people don’t know that your “core” is not your abdominals; your “core” is the collective term for your shoulder girdle down to your hips and glutes (AKA your trunk). Therefore, your spine is an integral part of your core and sut be strengthened to remain pain free! Core exercises that work every part of the the core is what keep back pain away. These are exercises that work the rectus abdominus (such as crunch exercises and planking), things that work the internal and external obliques (side bends, side planks, and other side body exercises), transverse abdominus (which are the deep core muscles behind the rectus abdominals that help give you the flat belly you are looking for), the multifidus (those muscles around your spine; superman exercises are great for these) as well as all of the complex muscles of the back (around your shoulder blades and into the low back). All of these muscles work together to keep you upright, and any weakness is going to result in some sort of pain, whether it be back pain or hip pain. Back pain is probably the most common issue I have with clients coming in and the combination of Pilates exercises that work all of these parts has cured every single one!

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