When You Have a Foodie for a Toddler…

Author: Rachel Enochs

My three-year old has not always been a great eater. Like many other kids, he goes through phases. He definitely had a phase where he pretty much ate bananas and yogurt for what seemed like forever. And then, one day his taste buds just changed (or “matured” as they say) and he began branching out and really enjoying a lot of other foods not “typical” for toddlers.

Fast food: the good, the bad, and the ugly…

Fast food is always something that I encourage my clients to stay away from. Many fast food restaurants are doing am OK job of trying to offer “better” choices than others with new salads, grilled options or bunless options. It is possible to make somewhat healthy choices at some fast foods restaurants, but there are, of course,, worse choices than others.

Misleading Diet Trends

So. many. Diets. Paleo, keto, gluten free, Adktins, south beach… the list is endless these days! And while you may be tempted to jump on a diet trend bandwagon, you should do your research first. There are some very misleading claims about some popular diet trends.

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