The best workouts to do when traveling… no equipment needed!

The best workouts to do when traveling… no equipment needed!


Workouts can be tough when you’re traveling or far from your studio or home gym. But the goods news is, this is your chance to get creative! You don’t have to travel with a bunch of equipment and tools for your travel workouts; your body is totally equipped to give you a great workout, no equipment needed! So many workouts you can do with no equipment, check it out!

#1: No treadmill?

Go for a walk or a hike, or find a short stretch of flat road and do some sprint intervals. Throw in some lunges or squats in between sprint intervals to really get you a HIIT workout!

#2: No stair climber?

Hit the stairs! Head to the stairwell at a tall building or park nearby and tread up and down. To make it even more of a challenge, put some books or junk in a backpack and make it a weighted stair session!

#3: No weights for a strength workout?

Use your body weight. Body weight exercises can be just as challenging as exercises with weights. Make it into a high intensity workout by putting things like pushups, walking lunges, air squats, power lunges, burpees, jump squats, high knees, and planks into a workout.

#4: No step or box for your high intensity workout?

Find the nearest park and use a park bench or kids playground equipment for things like box jumps, step ups, tricep drips, inverted push ups, pull ups, split squats and other plyometric exercises.

#5: Download the inBalance app!

Dozens of workouts and so many of them require no equipment at all!