Monica Zapata

Monica Zapata

Owner inBalance Alamo Ranch/Instructor

Where you were you born and raised?

San Antonio, Texas

How did you get started in health and fitness?

After becoming a mom, I was determine to reignite my fitness journey. I tried routine exercise at the gym and other small studios in the area when I was fortunate to find inBalance in June of 2013. This is where I truly learned how to push myself beyond traditional workouts and realized I could challenge my body further and extend this same motivation to others. I began my first Piloxing certification in December 2015, followed by Piloxing Knockout in February 2016, Piloxing Barre in April and inBalance Barre in the fall.

What is your favorite class to teach?

I love all the formats, but my favorite class is Piloxing SSP. It's a full body workout and I love the powerful movements of boxing and Pilates delivered through an intense interval workout. The power of the boxing ignites a good burn and empowerment within myself and my students. The Pilates strengthens our muscles and core balance, add some dance to that and it's a party, which makes it fun and fast paced workout while burning up to 1200 calories in an hour, depending on level of effort. My runner up class is Barre Bounce!

What do you want every person to get out of your class?

I want my students to feel they had a great workout and excited to come back for more. I also want them to realize their full potential and know what their body is capable of doing over time. Most importantly, I want them to feel the support they have from me and others in the studio to help them achieve all of their fitness goals.