Adriana Alvarez – Tostado

Adriana Alvarez – Tostado

Brand Ambassador

Hi everyone! I'm Adriana! I was born in New Jersey, moved around with my family quite a bit but mainly grew up in Mexico City.My blog (a style and travel blog) came to be because of tennis (yep not the traditional fashion background) I wanted something I could do while traveling, to be able to escape the routine and share my experiences about the places I go with a little bit of fashion mixed into it.

This space is built mainly to inspire girls who love fashion but are at times a bit scared to go for it, reminding them that you don't have to be a model to have amazing style! Also my "Where tos" when it comes to traveling and new places to visit.

I've been training and competing on a high level for most of my life now, and although this was not a part of ToastyA, I am excited to be able to share my experiences, favorite workouts (or which ones I avoid... we all have a few we hate:) ) and new ways to be healthy. I am so excited to be partnering with InBalance and being able to work together.

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